- Air Permitting and Compliance -New Source Review, PSD, Ambient Air Dispersion Modeling, Title V, Synthetic Minor, MACT, NESHAP, NSPS, Asbestos
- Wastewater-NPDES, Pretreatment
- Storm Water-Construction and Baseline
- Hazardous Waste-RCRA
- Solid Waste-Processing, Class I/II, Municipal
- Wetland Delineations
- Section 10 and 404 Permitting
- Mitigation Support

- 1Turnkey Environmental Permitting
- 2Professional Surveying/GIS Mapping/GeoDatabase
- Professional Surveying Services
- GPS Field Inventory
- Joint-Use Audits
- GIS Maintenance
- GPS Landbase
- Line Locating
- GeoDatabase Install/Setup
- Right-of-Way/Easement Mapping
- Training and Support
- Staking
- Asset Management
- Digital Imagery with GPS Location
- Utility Mapping
- Subdivision Planning/Mapping
- Hard Copy Maps Conversion to Digital
- CAD, Site Grading Plans and Topographic Layout
- 3Environmental Compliance Management Systems
- RCRA Contingency Plans
- Site Specific Emergency Action Plans
- Remediation Work Plans and Cleanup Plans for Contaminated Soil and Groundwater
- Spill Prevention Control & Countermeasure Plans
- Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans
- Training in Storm Water, SPCC, RCRA, Wastewater and Air Permitting
- Closure Plans
- Construction Oversight
- 4Environmental Compliance Audits
FC&E has a team of experienced former environmental regulatory staff that have been trained in EPA and State inspectors classes. We know what to look for and what to expect during compliance inspections. Our experience can be invaluable in preventing violations. In addition, we have a thorough understanding and training with penalty policies, penalty calculations, self-disclosure rules, and compliance negotiations with agencies. We can custom design an audit, complete audit program or we have an established audit program that includes ten (10) different regulatory environmental acts and includes the following program areas:
1. Clean Air Act
Air Quality Permitting including NSPS (40 CFR 60), New Source Review, PSD (40 CFR 52), Title V (40 CFR 70), NESHAP (40 CFR 61) or MACT Standards (40 CFR 63), CAM plans (40 CFR 64), Acid Rain Programs (40 CFR 72)
Risk Management Planning (40 CFR 68)
Ozone Depleting Substances (40 CFR 82)
Fuel Dispensing & Fleet Operations (40 CFR 80)
State Implementation Plan (SIP) Regulations (40 CFR 51, Subpart I and State SIP)2. Clean Water Act – SPCC
Spill Prevention Control & Countermeasures (40 CFR 112)3. Clean Water Act – NPDES, General Pretreatment
Wastewater – NPDES & Pretreatment (40 CFR 122 and 403)
Stormwater – Construction & Baseline Industrial (40 CFR 122)4. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) & Emergency Planning and Community Right- to-Know Act (EPCRA)
CERCLA & EPCRA (40 CFR 302, 355, 370, 372)5. Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)
FIFRA – Pesticides (40 CFR 160, 162, 170, 171, 172)6. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
Hazardous Waste Management – RCRA, Universal Waste, and Used Oil (40 CFR 260 – 266, 268, 270, 273, 279)
Medical Waste – Not EPA regulated unless the medical waste item is hazardous waste, or treated as hazardous waste. However, any pharmaceutical waste that is a hazardous waste is included and covered under Hazardous Waste Management (RCRA)7. RCRA
Underground Storage Tanks (40 CFR 280 Subparts A – H)8. Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)
Premanufacture Notification (40 CFR 720); Lead Paint (40 CFR 745); PCBs (40 CFR 761)9. TSCA and NESHAP
Asbestos (40 CFR 763, Subpart E; 40 CFR 61, Subpart M)10. Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)
Potable Water – SDWA (40 CFR 141 and 143)
Underground Injection Control Program (40 CFR 144 -148) - 5Soils and Groundwater Investigations
FC&E’s team of engineers, geologist and scientist have conducted soil and groundwater investigations for industrial clients, commercial clients and government regulatory agencies. We have an extensive knowledge of policies, procedures, soil types, contaminant fate transport and other aspects that allow us to thoroughly evaluate a site while effectively managing costs and predicting outcomes. Through our team and our vetted subcontractors, we have access to the latest investigative techniques utilizing physical and remote sensing technologies. We have experience with magnetic, electromagnetic, ground penetrating radar and other geophysical methods. In addition, our team can supply direct push, rotary drill (solid and hollow stem) and sonic drilling for subsurface soil, vapor intrusion and groundwater investigations.
• Soil surface and subsurface sampling
• Soil geologic characterization
• Soil stability
• Contaminant Fate Transport
• Surface Contaminant Flow Modeling
• Vapor Intrusion Sampling and air quality investigations
• Groundwater Sampling
• Groundwater Monitoring Well Installation
• Groundwater flow modeling - 6Wastewater Permitting, Operation Troubleshooting, Agency Negotiation and Chemical Translation
Not only can FC&E help you to obtain a wastewater permit where necessary, we can help you clarify when a permit is not necessary. We have been able to successfully negotiate with local wastewater authorities’ approvals for discharge without a state issued permit, more favorable permit limits for clients, and when necessary develop options for wastewater system upgrades. We can provide wastewater design, cost analysis, construction oversight and any permitting needs.
- 7Phase I, II & III ESAs
- 8Secondary Containment Design and SPCC Plan Preparation/Certification
- 9Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans and Flow Calculations
- 10Wetland Delineations, JD Requests, COE Permitting
- 11Environmental and Safety Training
FC&E can provide customized remote webinar, onsite training or a complete training program for your environmental training needs. We have a comprehensive library of training classes that can be easily customized to your facility, personnel or training needs. We offer training for:
• OSHA Hazmat 8 hr refresher
• Baseline and Construction stormwater SWPPP
• Wastewater compliance
• Air